Thursday, March 23, 2023

Observations On Eos and On the Creed of The Neologues

This was the second of two experiments with in-character automatic writing on occult history in the Flicker Street 'Universe' [a term I sometimes hesitate to use due to its ubiquitousness]. In this case the character was Chrome Genet, one of my favorite 'alter egoes'.This was performed on June 28, 2021. The sketches of Chrome are brand new site exclusives.



Extract from “Observatons on Eos and on the Creed of the Neologues*”

Author Unknown **
Eos is temporally the youngest of Thee Presences - yet, as observed before, the most insidious. As Vaikuntha was the Presence most fondly attached to planet Earth (while heralding its doom; his dream was truly to die with the Earth, an orgasmic suicide pact to shake the cosmos), Eos, as all the latter Presences (as few as they are in number), is driven by thirsts beyond fleshly cravings. Eos has no intention to perish. Its eternal existence is tantamount, and feeding its ever evolving urges as it grows into a boundless thing, is its way to extend its span to infinite measures.
Eos is ancient by born humans' metrics, its essence spawned when the First Seeds were nurtured on Earthen soil 20,000 years ago. But as a weakened babe exerting and imposing its birthing will on an unfathomably large world, Eos is all Need, Thirst, Hunger, Excretion, Pleasure. If found in a human brain, Eos would exist between the Reptile Brain and the Limbic Stage. Eos has always been sated, spoiled by a Presence neither young nor illimitably ancient. A guess is that a cruel maternal figure, likely the minor Presence Caprice, has both fed and starved, coddled and abused, young Eos. But pity not the infant terrible, for existence itself is at stake here.
Caprice was destroyed by the sorcerer who shut the Oblique forever out of the Known Realities. This double victory marked the First True Rite of this mage's ascent to primacy as the chosen caretaker of the Earth. Eos did not grieve; it had left the folds of its “mother” many many Earthen years before. No, Eos now saw its way clear to the Earth and its attendant planes. The most ancient of all Presences, Qua'Quoequoelne, had withered away in its moribund decadence and the sheer weight of eons, and Tyrlus Drexus, its heir, was rendered eternally inert in recent years, in the Entropic Wars. Vaikuntha was finally destroyed a short span later, and then Oblique was banished and its children, Caprice and Thrall, obliterated. The removal of so many Presences (who were always few in number, though vast in influence) in a mere thread of this corporeal Time Loom, overjoyed Eos. It now ruled, and its incremental feeding on the souls of the Earth would now reach ascendance, unfettered, unabated. Eos could not achieve such without instruments native to the Earth. These were eventually dubbed “Neologues”.
Eos was long believed to be an entity embodying balance – an Earthbound mage once dubbed Eos a “cosmic centrist” - a “non-extremist”.Vaikuntha, the most “human”, judged Eos to be cowardly – never prone to choosing a clear side in conflict. Eos Abstracta, the presence's raw form, is as inscrutable ideologically as corporeally, its methodologies unfathomable even to others of its kind. He has on occasion assumed animal shapes, even rarer humanoid forms. In these iterations, it is known as Eos Incarnata and can directly affect physical change upon objects of its interest, much as Vaikuntha was always able to do. Eos is often a semi-solid organism.
In all its myriad configurations, Eos is Hunger Incarnate. It feeds on suffering, physical and psychickal. Its most satisfactory feasts are upon the sufferings wrought by war, inequality, conquest, poverty – the seething frustration and endless exploitation of the powerless. Eos finds this dark energy the most sublime to imbibe – it has a certain taste to it, even a colour and a scent. Eos' cravings for it are eternal.
The more a people are oppressed, enslaved, violated, the delicious is Eos' repast. Earth has been very good for and to Eos, unwittingly as this may be. The Neologues see themselves as heralds and harbingers of a New Epoch. But they are deceivers of the highest order – endlessly equivocating to others and even to themselves. Their self-deception is a constant opportunity for Eos' sphere to further expand, for The Neologues, on a far more finite scale than their patron, feed upon the darkest energies unleashed by humanity's incessant urge to bloodshed. For what is the history of humankind but a journal of bloodshed?
These energies nourish the Neologues, and are then passed on to Eos itself, but at a toll to their scavengers. The more they yield to the malign Presence, the more their own souls wither and degrade. Eos happily feeds on their pain and loss as well as that of those they subjugate. Neologues are rewarded for their service by occupying lengthy spans in their carnal shells. They tend to very advanged ages and recuperative abilities. Still, they experience pain, decay, the limitations of the human body – but, no longer being exactly “human” (despite their outward appearances), they resist their own miseries as, like Eos, they prey upon the miseries of those they dub the “Less Fortunate”.
The more a Neologue hurts others, the more their own pain subsides. Neologues - “Eos' Chosen” - are essentially parasites feeding upon the Earth and its indigenous living creatures. Yet they have conquered this planet – by wielding their greatest weapon: Fear.
Fear – of death, guilt, reprisals, embarrassment; fear – of not belonging, of one's own sexuality; of possessing nothing of one's own (even one's own sexuality)– these fears and more have rendered large swathes of humanity (and even animalkind to some extent) largely inert. They wallow in mortal dread, unable to muster the energy or True Will to reclaim their world and their cultures from the blight of their oppressors.
The concept of 'Money' is their #1 control mechanism employed to instill these fears. 'Religion' is a close second (though its power is gradually receding in some cultures). Hence, in the 21st century as much of humankind reckons its span, the Neologues have escalated economic exploitation of the masses and exacerbated armed conflict between tribes. For blind, unwavering tribalism has proven to be an indispensable weapon in its psychic arsenal against humankind.
Eos itself is rarely spoken of by its attendants, and never aloud. It has managed to remain unknown, unseen, by many of Earth's most well-versed esotericists It manifests on occasion in the nightmares of humankind and curiously, more often in those of non-human animalia. While humanity is soaked in its waking dread, other species experience its terror in the subconscious.
On some level, at some time, the psyches of nearly all Earth's living creatures (save for the Neologues) are suffused with the influence of Thee Presence Eos.
NOTE: Chrome Genet is most likely the True Author of these extracts. The less formal structure and verbiage of this extract lends some credence to this supposition. The esotericist Nestor Blue hypothesizes that Chrome may have been under the influence of a mind-altering substance when these passages were composed.
Chrome Genet, possible author of these extracts.

Copyright 2021, 2022 George Henry Smathers Jr. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Notes on 'Rituala Majorum re Oblique' and What It Portends


This was the first of two experiments with in-character automatic writing on occult history in the Flicker Street 'Universe' [a term I sometimes hesitate to use due to its ubiquitousness]. In this case the character was Chrome Genet, one of my favorite 'alter egoes'.This was performed on January 13, 2020, followed by the selfie included below. The second the photo was snapped, my dear friend Tim McLain rang my doorbell. I was already expecting him, but the timing of it certainly felt like a conjuring, or manifestation, had been wrought.

The second such piece has been unearthed and will appear here soon.



Today's Flicker Street alchemy:

Extract from
“Notes on 'Rituala Majorum re Oblique' and What It Portends*”
Author Unknown **
"Behind that Mirror you will face
Thee Masque of Self, an ocean of Flame
Thee Veil Sundering Time, a sun gone Black
Therein lies that Citadel of Darkness,
Thee Terminal Pointe,
Thee Sum of All Nightmare -
Thee Oblique.” ***
What we have learned over time (however measured), is that the energy comes in through angles... oblique angles most of all. Hence Thee Presence called 'Oblique'. It travels through oblique angles – often using oblique strategies. And not only does this occur “when the stars are right”, but when light is refracted in certain manners. This is why the half-caste Luca Stenoretti's film, called THE OBLIQUE (title suggested to him by his cousin and cinematographer Blasco Clerici), became itself the Working to summon Oblique.
Blasco's camera – his Magick Lantern – caught the light of the rarest Presence. When manifested on film, Oblique comes into This World from Its Own.
A proper summoning of Thee Presence Eos, the most insidious of Presences, entails much more. We say insidious, for it is a lengthy, subversive, viral process.... the Host must be subverted utterly, ineffably – but so slow as to be unglimpsed even by Third Eyes or by orbs as illuminating as the farthest spheres of molten plasma.
In the present Epoch of our subjective, linear, Workflow (“chronological time”), the smallest shudder, softest whisper is a years-span when thee holy fluid of Eos was transported to this planet, Earth. Humans and Exodesians alike reckoned thee seed of Eos entering this sphere in millenia. Twenty of Earthen millenia. Thee seed first spilt unto this soil almost immediately after, again, as Time is reckoned here.
Thee Holy Fluid was brought forth from Thee Holy Seed of Eos in its first form to manifest on this plane not long after. As humanity reckons timeflow, it was nearly the full score of millenia until thee fluid was properly diluted, extracted, and introduced into Earthen eco-systems outside of Exodesia, and thence into animal organisms native to Earth but beyond the fields of Exodesia (fields meaning places that yield growth, but also fields consisted of any form of energy plasma, including the electromagnetics governing Earth's cohesion and affecting all matter and energies therein, up to and encompassing the electromagnetic fields of the human/ animal brain and nervous systems (and including any but “purebred', i.e. First Iteration ('generation') Exodesians.
The first injection of thee fluid, dilutes and extracts, into Earthen human/ animal tissue occurred a tiny thread over 5 micro-spins of the Time Loom of the Earth Mosaic (Mt. Mosaic is named for this 'entity'), called here 'decades'. A thread later, the substance was synthesized utilizing the accrued and combined alchemical knowledge of two major Soft Conquerers – natives of stars designated 'Pisces' and 'Omega Ceti I' (These were elder races who traverse space, time, matter, and energy as does fluid through permeable membranes; these races tended to shared their own fluids with “less actualized” races). This synthesis was born of Pure Knowledge, yet bereft of True Wisdom, as Thee First Seed that brought forth Exodesia had been.
Exodesia had sprung, from the material loins and empirical energies of two Soft Conquerers co-mingling their fluids in ecstatic truce. 'Thee Truce', as it came to be called, spawned Exodesia and the Exodesian sub-race, sometimes derisively called by the less wise 'Prone Conquerers'. This pejorative was defined, by the human absurdist Anton Gamble, as “implying a non-consensual sensual act, when in fact twas an act by pact”. Gamble further stated, “Exodesia was no act of rage or rape, but a joyful detente. But nonetheless a one night stand, with no intent of marriage, and an offspring orphaned in a daycare/ madhouse light years from the progenitors' respective homes. If the daycare/ madhouse was Earth, however, to extend the metaphor, Exodesia was a greenhouse, whose caretakers kept their many eyes on what grew there, ensuring its survival, but not likely to win any cosmic parenting awards”.
The synthesized fluid/ seed/ extract (soon dubbed by one of its administrators as the “Trans-Morphic Somatic”) was injected, voluntarily and involuntarily, along the next several threads (or, as spoken here, 'over the next several years') into various organic lifeforms, principally the human, but also other Earthen animalia, usually mammalian. The ensuing genetic alterations in the recipients of the Somatic caused these recipients to be termed “Somatics”, or “Recombinants” (and later branded “TSD”s, due to Gamble's coinage of the term “Trans-Somatic Distortions” to describe the genetic alterations).
To further quote Gamble: “The Trans-Morphic Somatics were in essence Thee Second Seed borne of Thee Truce. But these children were left to fend for themselves on Madhouse Earth”.
* a rough translation by an Abstruse cultist, feebly attempting to emulate Latin and/ or Esperanto.
** These notes were compiled in the year 2003 AD or CE, Planet Earth (and translated into the English language in 2010 AD or CE), by an author of unknown genetic heritage (i.e. Human, TMS/Human, Exodesian, or otherwise; the shifting, widely inclusive language makes it difficult to discern).
*** These lines occur in the script of filmmaker Luca Stenoretti's work THE OBLIQUE. They are derived from an actual ritual inscription from ancient Exodesia. The quote was appended as an introduction to the Notes in 2011 AD/CE, most likely by someone other than the author of the Notes. The Original Author did however pen these notes within days of attending the world premiere of THE OBLIQUE in 2003.
All material Copyright 2020, 2022 George Henry Smathers Jr.
Illustration: "Thee Summoning 1.13.2020 (with Tim McLain )"

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Augustine Amberson/ Doctor Animus: New Art, Older Character [But New to FLICKER STREET]

Augustine Amberson is a character that I plan to introduce in the modern day - of my current story arcs - for the first time in the arc I've planned after "Ellinger", called "The Neologues", or simply "Neologues" [haven't decided yet]. "Ellinger" encapsulates the years 2010-2014 on the world of FLICKER STREET, while "Neologues" will begin immediately after, New Years 2015, and run until possibly the end of 2020. I may revise the end date as things evolve. 

In any case, "Neologues" will introduce brand new characters, but also backstory characters that have possibly only been alluded to in main arcs, or depicted in flashback, and most certainly appear on my FS genealogical trees. Augustine is one such backstory character; his mother, Ingeborg Finn, is another. Within the document in progress, FLICKER STREET: THE TRUTH, these characters will be woven into the revised and expanded FS backstory of FLICKER STREET, revealing the true events [in-universe to FS] behind the narrative called FLICKER STREET: THE BIRTH by Thaddeus Davant [which can be read in full on this site]. 

Amberson, like a number of other characters I've used in recent plots, is an "imported" character from other works I've created and developed to varying degrees, in the long hiatus between full-time storytelling set in the Flicker Street universe. This hiatus lasted from roughly 2002 to 2014, though some FS work was done, intermittently, between 2006 and 2008, albeit under the aegis of the Comicbook Artists Guild [CAG], rather than all by myself. My editors in the guild that I submitted proposals and pitches set in the FS continuity either didn't know [because I didn't tell tell them, like Mark Mazz] or didn't really mind [like Shawnti Therrien]. 

My intensive period woodshedding for CAG [c. 2006-2009] was more or less concurrent with a deep involvement in writing speculative essays for, and heavily promoting, fandom devoted to Philip Jose Farmer and his Wold Newton Family concept. and Philip Jose Farmer fandom from c. 2004-2011. In 2006, I submitted a serious story proposal and pitch package to Marvel Comics in the final days of their open submissions program. It was tentatively called 'Defenders Inc'.

To considerably shorten the story for now, that was a very instructive experience, very eye-opening about how Marvel deals with such matters. In 2011, my first comic book story was published by CAG. This was more or less the end of the era described two paragraphs back. 

By 2012, I had retooled the material I came up with for Defenders Inc for my ex-wife's website. I pastiched all the characters and altered some aspects of the plot and characters for legal reason. I called this rebranded work CONCLAVES. Augustine Amberson was a prominent CONCLAVES character, originally based on a character I intended to use in more of a supporting role in the Marvel proposal. And now, I've found the perfect final home for the character, and, through synchronicity and open channeling, he fits perfectly in the narrative woven thus far. And that's about it for now. Working on a formal bio for Augustine to eventually attach to the art. For now though, here is a faux Wikipedia entry I concocted about Steve Anderson, a FS character who's an enigmatic comic book creator. Steve also may or not also be an 'alter ego'/ faux identity of Augustine Amberson. The graphics for the character will follow the entry. 


from Wikipedia:

STEVEN A. “STEVE” ANDERSON is an American writer of novels, essays and comic book stories. He is best known for his work with Creation Comics in the early to mid 190s and again in the late 1980s; his work with Creation's chief competitor, American Pulp Periodicals from the mid 190s to late 1980s, and his work for various independent [“indie” comic book publishers from the 1980s onward such as Atlantic, Lunar, and 2nd Seed.

His style is distinguished by deep characterization; tight continuity with the fictitious “universe” he is working; and various literary and mystical allusions, as well as a strong psychedelic influence in his earlier work.

from the same wiki entry:


Anderson was often candid about his experimentation with marijuana and LSD throughout his initial tenure at Creation Comics. Several of his stories allegedly outraged Creation editors and its publisher, Scrivener Beattie, but still managed to find their way into print, with few alterations to accommodate the Comics Code of Authority.

Anderson has been described as a “hermit”, a “hermetic”, a “radical”, even a “mystic” at times. He has rarely attended comic conventions over the years, but when he is a guest there, he is described as gregarious and affable towards his fans when engaged by them, and makes it a point to be accessible to them and not aloof as many in the field are often described.

But outside of these venues, he has maintained a highly private personal life, often reclusive and a bit inscrutable to the press. Rumors have persisted that there was far more to Anderson's life than writing. He mailed the majority of his scripts to his artists and let them take it from there and shoulder the responsibility of getting finished pages to the Creation office in New Jersey, which Beattie has jokingly referred to as “The Nerve Center” of Creation Comics.

The conclusion arrived at by essayist/ “literary anthropologist” Jan-Michael Eichhorn was that Anderson, in fact, Anderson's own personal favorite character to write, Doctor Animus aka Augustine Amberson. Eichhorn's supposition has been that Amberson was in fact a real, living being and Anderson's scripts were quasi-autobiographical and highly fictionalized versions of events in his real life.

The core proposal of “Literary Anthropology” [a term coined by Dr. Petty John Coogle] is that the adventure and genre stories found in popular culture, media, entertainment, literature, and even folk tales and mythology, are all accounts drawn from events that have really transpired over the centuries but have been passed off as fiction in order to foster disinformation that would lead astray those who may care to determine the veracity of Coogle's Supposition, as it came to be called.

The promulgators of these theories have often claimed that the Late Dr. Anton Gamble's controversial non-fiction text Distortions - one of America's best sellers in the late 1960s through the 1970s – put forth assertions that should naturally lead to acceptance of Coogle's Suppositions. Coogle's aforementioned colleague, Eichhorn, has claimed that Anderson/ Amberson could have been a test subject in Trans-Morphic Somatic trials of the 1950s and 1960s – experiments which were seemingly shut down and made illegal by several heads of state.

Gamble coined the term “Trans-Somatic Distortions” in his book, and often referred to it by its initials, T.S.D., which Gamble deliberately coined as a pun on LSD and experiments conducted with in the same time frame as the Somatics work. The subjects of these trials, after allegedly being genetically mutated in various ways [mild to extreme depending on the subject's physiology], are referred to as 'Somatics', 'Recombinants', or 'Transmutes'.

Augustine Amberson/ Dr. Animus
Brand new sketch of Amberson as he'll appear in FLICKER STREET. 

How Augustine fits into the established FS genealogy.

                  My original rough sketch of the character for CONCLAVES

All art, characters, designs, and story elements are Copyright 2022 George Henry Smathers Jr. All rights reserved. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Overturning Established Order Is An Act of Heroism - NOT Villainy: Positing a Paradigm Shift

Here is another recent video I recorded for my YouTube channel: 

This one explores traditional roles in heroic narratives and how they're changing, reversing what we were taught are the heroes and the villains in such stories. I discuss throughout this videos many examples in mainstream books and comic books, and dive once again into my own approach to such material in FLICKER STREET. I now see those who disrupt the status quo and established order of society as the heroes in my own stories; and those who uphold "the way things are" I deem the true villains. I give various examples from FS of how the shift in my own consciousness re: such matters caused me to reroute my previous conclusions. 

As always, enjoy,
