Thursday, March 23, 2023

Observations On Eos and On the Creed of The Neologues

This was the second of two experiments with in-character automatic writing on occult history in the Flicker Street 'Universe' [a term I sometimes hesitate to use due to its ubiquitousness]. In this case the character was Chrome Genet, one of my favorite 'alter egoes'.This was performed on June 28, 2021. The sketches of Chrome are brand new site exclusives.



Extract from “Observatons on Eos and on the Creed of the Neologues*”

Author Unknown **
Eos is temporally the youngest of Thee Presences - yet, as observed before, the most insidious. As Vaikuntha was the Presence most fondly attached to planet Earth (while heralding its doom; his dream was truly to die with the Earth, an orgasmic suicide pact to shake the cosmos), Eos, as all the latter Presences (as few as they are in number), is driven by thirsts beyond fleshly cravings. Eos has no intention to perish. Its eternal existence is tantamount, and feeding its ever evolving urges as it grows into a boundless thing, is its way to extend its span to infinite measures.
Eos is ancient by born humans' metrics, its essence spawned when the First Seeds were nurtured on Earthen soil 20,000 years ago. But as a weakened babe exerting and imposing its birthing will on an unfathomably large world, Eos is all Need, Thirst, Hunger, Excretion, Pleasure. If found in a human brain, Eos would exist between the Reptile Brain and the Limbic Stage. Eos has always been sated, spoiled by a Presence neither young nor illimitably ancient. A guess is that a cruel maternal figure, likely the minor Presence Caprice, has both fed and starved, coddled and abused, young Eos. But pity not the infant terrible, for existence itself is at stake here.
Caprice was destroyed by the sorcerer who shut the Oblique forever out of the Known Realities. This double victory marked the First True Rite of this mage's ascent to primacy as the chosen caretaker of the Earth. Eos did not grieve; it had left the folds of its “mother” many many Earthen years before. No, Eos now saw its way clear to the Earth and its attendant planes. The most ancient of all Presences, Qua'Quoequoelne, had withered away in its moribund decadence and the sheer weight of eons, and Tyrlus Drexus, its heir, was rendered eternally inert in recent years, in the Entropic Wars. Vaikuntha was finally destroyed a short span later, and then Oblique was banished and its children, Caprice and Thrall, obliterated. The removal of so many Presences (who were always few in number, though vast in influence) in a mere thread of this corporeal Time Loom, overjoyed Eos. It now ruled, and its incremental feeding on the souls of the Earth would now reach ascendance, unfettered, unabated. Eos could not achieve such without instruments native to the Earth. These were eventually dubbed “Neologues”.
Eos was long believed to be an entity embodying balance – an Earthbound mage once dubbed Eos a “cosmic centrist” - a “non-extremist”.Vaikuntha, the most “human”, judged Eos to be cowardly – never prone to choosing a clear side in conflict. Eos Abstracta, the presence's raw form, is as inscrutable ideologically as corporeally, its methodologies unfathomable even to others of its kind. He has on occasion assumed animal shapes, even rarer humanoid forms. In these iterations, it is known as Eos Incarnata and can directly affect physical change upon objects of its interest, much as Vaikuntha was always able to do. Eos is often a semi-solid organism.
In all its myriad configurations, Eos is Hunger Incarnate. It feeds on suffering, physical and psychickal. Its most satisfactory feasts are upon the sufferings wrought by war, inequality, conquest, poverty – the seething frustration and endless exploitation of the powerless. Eos finds this dark energy the most sublime to imbibe – it has a certain taste to it, even a colour and a scent. Eos' cravings for it are eternal.
The more a people are oppressed, enslaved, violated, the delicious is Eos' repast. Earth has been very good for and to Eos, unwittingly as this may be. The Neologues see themselves as heralds and harbingers of a New Epoch. But they are deceivers of the highest order – endlessly equivocating to others and even to themselves. Their self-deception is a constant opportunity for Eos' sphere to further expand, for The Neologues, on a far more finite scale than their patron, feed upon the darkest energies unleashed by humanity's incessant urge to bloodshed. For what is the history of humankind but a journal of bloodshed?
These energies nourish the Neologues, and are then passed on to Eos itself, but at a toll to their scavengers. The more they yield to the malign Presence, the more their own souls wither and degrade. Eos happily feeds on their pain and loss as well as that of those they subjugate. Neologues are rewarded for their service by occupying lengthy spans in their carnal shells. They tend to very advanged ages and recuperative abilities. Still, they experience pain, decay, the limitations of the human body – but, no longer being exactly “human” (despite their outward appearances), they resist their own miseries as, like Eos, they prey upon the miseries of those they dub the “Less Fortunate”.
The more a Neologue hurts others, the more their own pain subsides. Neologues - “Eos' Chosen” - are essentially parasites feeding upon the Earth and its indigenous living creatures. Yet they have conquered this planet – by wielding their greatest weapon: Fear.
Fear – of death, guilt, reprisals, embarrassment; fear – of not belonging, of one's own sexuality; of possessing nothing of one's own (even one's own sexuality)– these fears and more have rendered large swathes of humanity (and even animalkind to some extent) largely inert. They wallow in mortal dread, unable to muster the energy or True Will to reclaim their world and their cultures from the blight of their oppressors.
The concept of 'Money' is their #1 control mechanism employed to instill these fears. 'Religion' is a close second (though its power is gradually receding in some cultures). Hence, in the 21st century as much of humankind reckons its span, the Neologues have escalated economic exploitation of the masses and exacerbated armed conflict between tribes. For blind, unwavering tribalism has proven to be an indispensable weapon in its psychic arsenal against humankind.
Eos itself is rarely spoken of by its attendants, and never aloud. It has managed to remain unknown, unseen, by many of Earth's most well-versed esotericists It manifests on occasion in the nightmares of humankind and curiously, more often in those of non-human animalia. While humanity is soaked in its waking dread, other species experience its terror in the subconscious.
On some level, at some time, the psyches of nearly all Earth's living creatures (save for the Neologues) are suffused with the influence of Thee Presence Eos.
NOTE: Chrome Genet is most likely the True Author of these extracts. The less formal structure and verbiage of this extract lends some credence to this supposition. The esotericist Nestor Blue hypothesizes that Chrome may have been under the influence of a mind-altering substance when these passages were composed.
Chrome Genet, possible author of these extracts.

Copyright 2021, 2022 George Henry Smathers Jr. All rights reserved.

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